Delivery Telephone Message and Example Conversation

Delivery Telephone Message and Example Conversation Delivery Telephone Message and Example Conversation
Delivery Telephone Message and Example Conversation
Expressions 1
May I speak to…?
Just a moment, please.
Hold on ,please.
Who is speaking?
Who am I talking to?
Who’s this?

Expressions 2
May I leave a message?
Can I take a message?
Would you like to leave a message?
Leave your message after the beep.
Let me put you through.
Please tell her to call back.
You’ve got the wrong number.

Example conversation about delivery telephone message..

Kiki     : Hello ….
Elsy     : Hello.
Kiki     : who is this ?
Elsy     : I am Elsy.
Kiki     : Oh Elsy.
  May I speak to munalia?
Elsy     : Sorry. She isn’t here.
  Would you like to leave a message?
Kiki     : Yes Ok. Please tell her bring my book to my class.
Elsy     : Ok
Kiki     : Can you repeat my message?
Elsy     : Ok of course. Tell her bring your book to your class.
Kiki     : Thank You
Elsy     : You are welcome.
Elsy     : Hy Munalia … kiki said to me , please bring herbook to her class.
Munalia : Ok. I will bring her book in her class

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