Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMK TA 2015/2016 Bonus KKPI dan Kunci Jawabannya -

Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMK TA 2015/2016 Bonus KKPI dan Kunci Jawabannya

I.       Make the sentence based on the picture below in Present Progressive Form

II.     Put in “there is/there are” to complete these sentences
1.             My house is very small. ______________ only one bedroom
2.             Come inside, ______________ some friends of mine in the living room.
3.             I can’t wear this shirt, ______________ a big hole on its pocket.
4.             I’m hungry, _______________ any food in the refrigerator?
5.             ______________ some children in the swimming pool. Can they swim well?
6.             Don’t open my drawer, ______________ some important documents in it.
7.             I’m hungry, _______________ any food in the refrigerator?
8.             ______________ many new houses are being built in this are.
9.             ______________ some dirty clothes in the basket. Whose are they??
10.         I like fishing in this place, ______________ some big fish in the river.

III.    Write a question about the underlined parts of each sentences
  1. The baby is sleeping soundly 
  2. Tony is celebrating his birthday party at midnight. 
  3.  My friends are enjoying fresh air under the tree. 
  4.  The children are playing some toys 
  5.  The baby is sleeping soundly. 
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Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMK TA 2015/2016 Bonus KKPI dan Kunci Jawabannya

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